This morning, when the camera lessons. I feel that my period!
Oh My GOSH!! What can I do?
And I do not wear Softex. Like it or not I use my handkerchief to replace it.
huh! My uterus was also hurt. After that, I wanted to get home. So, after the bell rang, I went home. Though there are still religious subject and OSIS meeting.
Huh! really sucks!
After the bell rang. It turned out that my daddy did not pick me up on time!
Would I have to wait approximately 30 minutes. Huh! Huuuhh!
Today really sucks!
After that, when I want to open facebook site. Its loading for a long time!
It makes me turn to my blog only. hahahaha
Oh yeah, uhmmm skin had peeled off my big toe ...!
Wew ... hihihihi
Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2009
Touching Story about MOM..
Ibuku hanya memiliki satu kaki dan mata. Aku membencinya sungguh memalukan. Ia menjadi juru masak di rumah tetanggaku dan berjualan kue di sekolahku, untuk membiayai keluarga. Suatu hari ketika aku masih SD, ibuku datang. Aku sangat malu. Mengapa ia lakukan ini? Aku memandangnya dengan penuh kebencian dan melarikan diri. Ibuku terdiam hanya memandang.
Keesokan harinya di sekolah. ”Ibumu hanya punya satu kaki dan satu mata. ?!?!” Iieeeeee, jerit seorang temanku. Aku berharap ibuku lenyap dari muka bumi. Ujarku pada ibu, “Bu, Mengapa Ibu tidak punya satu kaki dan satu mata lainnya? Kalau Ibu hanya ingin membuatku ditertawakan, lebih baik Ibu mati saja!!!” Ibuku tidak menyahut. Aku merasa agak tidak enak, tapi pada saat yang bersamaan, lega rasanya sudah mengungkapkan apa yang ingin sekali kukatakan selama ini. Mungkin karena Ibu tidak menghukumku, tapi aku tak berpikir sama sekali bahwa perasaannya sangat terluka karenaku.
Malam itu. Aku terbangun dan pergi ke dapur untuk mengambil segelas air. Ibuku
sedang menangis, tanpa suara, seakan-akan ia takut aku akan terbangun karenanya. Ia memandangku sejenak, dan kemudian berlalu dengan kaki pincang. Akibat perkataanku tadi, hatinya tertusuk. Walaupun begitu, aku membenci ibuku yang sedang menangis dengan satu kaki dan matanya. Jadi aku berkata pada diriku sendiri bahwa aku akan tumbuh dewasa dan menjadi orang yang sukses.
Kemudian aku belajar dengan tekun, ibuku terus bekerja membelikanku baju, buku sekolah, membayar uang sekolah. Dan akhirnya aku lulus dan mendapat beasiswa masuk perguruan tinggi. Kutinggalkan ibuku dan pergi ke Jakarta untuk menuntut ilmu. Lalu aku pun menikah. Aku membeli rumah. Kemudian akupun memiliki anak. Kini aku hidup dengan bahagia sebagai seorang yang sukses. Aku menyukai tempat tinggalku karena tidak membuatku teringat akan ibuku.
Keesokan harinya di sekolah. ”Ibumu hanya punya satu kaki dan satu mata. ?!?!” Iieeeeee, jerit seorang temanku. Aku berharap ibuku lenyap dari muka bumi. Ujarku pada ibu, “Bu, Mengapa Ibu tidak punya satu kaki dan satu mata lainnya? Kalau Ibu hanya ingin membuatku ditertawakan, lebih baik Ibu mati saja!!!” Ibuku tidak menyahut. Aku merasa agak tidak enak, tapi pada saat yang bersamaan, lega rasanya sudah mengungkapkan apa yang ingin sekali kukatakan selama ini. Mungkin karena Ibu tidak menghukumku, tapi aku tak berpikir sama sekali bahwa perasaannya sangat terluka karenaku.
Malam itu. Aku terbangun dan pergi ke dapur untuk mengambil segelas air. Ibuku
sedang menangis, tanpa suara, seakan-akan ia takut aku akan terbangun karenanya. Ia memandangku sejenak, dan kemudian berlalu dengan kaki pincang. Akibat perkataanku tadi, hatinya tertusuk. Walaupun begitu, aku membenci ibuku yang sedang menangis dengan satu kaki dan matanya. Jadi aku berkata pada diriku sendiri bahwa aku akan tumbuh dewasa dan menjadi orang yang sukses.
Kemudian aku belajar dengan tekun, ibuku terus bekerja membelikanku baju, buku sekolah, membayar uang sekolah. Dan akhirnya aku lulus dan mendapat beasiswa masuk perguruan tinggi. Kutinggalkan ibuku dan pergi ke Jakarta untuk menuntut ilmu. Lalu aku pun menikah. Aku membeli rumah. Kemudian akupun memiliki anak. Kini aku hidup dengan bahagia sebagai seorang yang sukses. Aku menyukai tempat tinggalku karena tidak membuatku teringat akan ibuku.
Senin, 24 Agustus 2009
Indonesia, I'm proud of you
Last night, I watched the show Demoratic Affair. The show was in Indosiar.
Watching the show, I am more proud as an Indonesian. Because the show info about how great Indonesia.
The first I heard that the economic growth in Indonesia is very high. Therefore, the language is compulsory in Asia, Indonesia!
Wow! fantastic!
Sail Bunaken especially yesterday, a world record!
Watching the show, I am more proud as an Indonesian. Because the show info about how great Indonesia.
The first I heard that the economic growth in Indonesia is very high. Therefore, the language is compulsory in Asia, Indonesia!
Wow! fantastic!
Sail Bunaken especially yesterday, a world record!
Logo "Sail Bunaken 2009"
At 07.00 AM, Miss Indonesia who represents the Miss Universe Indonesia will win the election arena! *watch in StarWold channelbecause yesterday I saw the highest point is Indonesia.
I love you Indonesia ~ ~
No one can replace you.
You have many different cultures, different languages, all different.
However, Bhineka Tunggal Ika. Although different fixed one.
Minggu, 23 Agustus 2009
I was update my Facebook Album Photo...
The name is "From Sketch Book"
Please open it and gimme comment :D
oh ya... dun forget to follow me @ twitter... see you soon :-*
Yes! Tomorrow holiday!
Today is Sunday. Earlier, I teach children's church.
I taught children's classes 2. I usually teach in the classroom 3. Because the teacher does not come, I become successor.
Children of all class 2 and does not have a set. I like to teach in class 2. hihihi ...
Oh yes, tomorrow holiday. I am just a little confused because I have the task of Pak Dani about Animation.
I am a disciple of SMK Negeri 51. There are 5 departments, namely: Accounting, Commerce Administration, Office Administration, Multimedia and Broadcasting.
I taught children's classes 2. I usually teach in the classroom 3. Because the teacher does not come, I become successor.
Children of all class 2 and does not have a set. I like to teach in class 2. hihihi ...
Oh yes, tomorrow holiday. I am just a little confused because I have the task of Pak Dani about Animation.
I am a disciple of SMK Negeri 51. There are 5 departments, namely: Accounting, Commerce Administration, Office Administration, Multimedia and Broadcasting.
nameplate 51 VHS.
But I was the Multimedia section. There I taught a variety of software that will be used in the workplace.
For example: Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, Macromedia Flash and Fireworks, 3Dx Max, etc.
I like to go this direction, because I can try new things. I like trying new things!
hihihihi ...
back to the task. I have homework that I should make a story that I have a responsibility to make the animation in this semester.
but, I am still confused. Because I fear that if the story does not fit with the animation that I will make (the new beginner's known).
The plan I would like to take stories from books. Yah, I take a simple course.
I need prayers from you so that I will succeed!
For example: Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, Macromedia Flash and Fireworks, 3Dx Max, etc.
I like to go this direction, because I can try new things. I like trying new things!
hihihihi ...
back to the task. I have homework that I should make a story that I have a responsibility to make the animation in this semester.
but, I am still confused. Because I fear that if the story does not fit with the animation that I will make (the new beginner's known).
The plan I would like to take stories from books. Yah, I take a simple course.
I need prayers from you so that I will succeed!
Oh yes, tomorrow is my holiday, I want to online only.
But because Hanafi (my friend) asks its flash disk again, then I need to SMKN48.
Does not do anything. All my acquaintance with the students there, who's know? later there is someone fall in love with me.
But because Hanafi (my friend) asks its flash disk again, then I need to SMKN48.
Does not do anything. All my acquaintance with the students there, who's know? later there is someone fall in love with me.
Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009
Selamat Puasa Bagi Yang Melaksanakannya...
Saya mengucapkan selamat berpuasa bagi yang melaksanakannya :)
tapi .... hix hix,, kantin bakal tutup nih... nanti saiia makan apa ya? apalagi kalau saya bawa makanan ke sekolah... jadinya kan aku gag enak~
Apalagi nanti kalau makan, tmem"ku pada ngiler ngeliatnya.. Batal deh mereka :(
aku gag mau kayak gitu...
Oh ya, hari ini hari Sabtu. Kegiatanku hari Sabtu ialah bangun siang, les, dan OL.
Biasanya kalau OL aku buka Facebook dan mungkin blog ini hhe... dan mungkin browsing untuk meng-up-to-date kan info dan knowledgeku hhi.
Aku les bahasa Jepang. Kenapa pilih Jepang? karena aku suka banged sama hal" yang berbau jepang! semuaanyaa!!!
dari mulai
pekerjaannya dan semuanya ehehehhe... (kalau disebutin satu-satu gag akan muat nih hihihihih)
yap... saya adalah pencinta Jepang tapi gag bakalan ninggalin Indonesia begitu aja donk!! tetap Cinta Indonesia tentunya :D dan pembenci MALAYSIA!!!
Huh! mereka kerjaannya hanya mencuri,mencuri,mencuri,dan mencuri!!
mana gag ada kata maaf lagi dari mereka, masa sekarang tari pendet dijadikan advertising buat visit malaysia?? Haduuuhh!!! maksudnya apa tuuh? ngajak ribut dia!!
ehem,,, back to the bussiness. ^^
Aku mau ikut Nooryoku Shiken *mav ya kalo salah pengejaan , ujian TOEFL Jepang. Tapi yang masih Lvl 4 aja hhe soalnya wawasan kanjiku sedikit.
ngomong" soal belajar jepang, di tempat lesku (LPKSJ di Gamprit, Pondok Gede), aku sudah 4 kali ganti guru,,, tapi kalau plus sekarang berarti 5 kali hihihi
Daftar nama urutan guru yang pernah ngajarin aku :
- Iwan Sensei = cowok, sekarang dia lagi di Jepang coz lagi PKL di sana... anak UNSADA
- Ani Sensei = cewek, sekarang dia kerja di salah satu Bank di Indonesia :) anak UNSADA
- Rose Sensei = cewek, lagi menghadap sidang kuliah nih! jadi gag isa ngajarin aku lagi, anak UNSADA
- Rohima Sensei = cewek, GAG PANTES DIPANGGIL SENSEI!! Kemampuannya hanya yang dasar banget!! tentang hiragana, katakana, dan GAG NGERTI KANJI *astajiiiimmm.. mana ngajarinya cuma "watashi no namae wa, watashi no aishou wa" yang ece-ece doank! haduuuuhh... malah dia pengen aku ngebantuin dia jadi Sensei di Lab School... SENSEI MACAMANA ITU!!!, gag lulusan JEPANG dari mana"!! puuiih
- Amanda Sensei, = cewek, nah ini baru sensei! nak UNSADA D3
Sekarang aku udah Shokyou 3, mau ke Kaiwa...
Doain ya, soalnya minggu depan aku mau ujian (-_-) amiiieeenn~~
semoa hasilnya bagus :D
Hmmm... besok hari minggu,,, aku ngajar anak" lagi deh :D
Aku GSM di GKI Cipinang Indah, CHAYO YA!!!
Zizi reach a first rank!!
Zivanna, Puteri Indonesia get the first rank in Miss Universe Competition!!
How marvelous!
She get score 2.77! and through other contestant!
I give her two thumbs.
if you want to do more, click here.
During this we know that the Malaysian people often steal one of Indonesia's culture! That makes people angry and hate Indonesia to the country. Without any condition or sign that it is their property, so they just pick it up directly without the consent of Indonesia.
Yes, why?
Malaysia because of the puppet, dance pendet, and all the culture of Indonesia in the ad visit Malaysia. People of Indonesia would not accept, there are cases from the previous claim reog and seizure cases border (Ambalat) of Indonesia and Malaysia.
They are never satisfied to be a thief! I, as a nation is chipped! I resent that after what he said "BALI IS PART OF MALAYSIA."
Where evidence from the word? They only talk! there is no evidence to recognize it!
I know they are only jealous of a multicultural Australia. I am proud to be the nation of Indonesia. Tegarlah INDONESIA!
and if you do, society Malaysia now also claim Koteka and mocking Indonesian athem song INDONESIA RAYA. If you want to know the truth from the news that anthem song of INDONESIA has been mocking , click here.
This is evidence that they sneer at one of the forum belong to Malaysia, oh no, they are now a nickname that MALINGSIALAN means is damn thief:
This is example Malaysia Mocked Indonesia!
And this site :
Evidence that they vilify Indonesia.
Not only that, the Malaysia also often bully and rape of Indonesian migrant workers.
Not only that, given that violence is not half-hearted. I am concerned about the country. And they taught religion and immoral, why they do such things?
Not only that, given that violence is not half-hearted. I am concerned about the country. And they taught religion and immoral, why they do such things?
One of many examples of foreign workers from Indonesia, which occur in Malaysia.
Her name Siti_Hajar
Tortured in Malaysia
Single parents bear two (13 & 11)
43 months without salaries.
What kind of man who can not treat human .......
Jumat, 21 Agustus 2009
I'm Newbie..... (-_-?)
Oops, I'm confused ..
and I really beginner in making "blog".
Trouble is I look so stupid and cretinous. serasa I was not up to date (-_-?)
uh, that would have taught me?
and I really beginner in making "blog".
Trouble is I look so stupid and cretinous. serasa I was not up to date (-_-?)
uh, that would have taught me?
Desperate ( a poem :p )
I just made it with Indonesian... hhe..
hohoho... what's ure opinion?
Anganku hanya sebatas langit kesatu
Aku tau itu semua hanyalah bayangan semu
Tidak akan aku dapatkan
Dan tidak akan aku raih
Kapankah bayanganku menyadari
Apa yang kurasakan sekarang ini?
Tapi aku tau itu takkan mungkin terjadi
Hingga dunia mempunyai 10 musim
hohoho... what's ure opinion?
Country is still the country's Growth and Economic factors are still difficult to exit from keterpurukan but who suspected the Poor and Back keterpurukan achievement has 36 record dunia.There is World record is 36 in Indonesia have.
Support Zivanna become MISS UNIVERSE!!
Zivanna Letisha Siregar (born in Jakarta, 16 February 1989; age 20 years) who is familiar disapa Zizi Puteri Indonesia 2008. She will represent Indonesia in Miss Universe 2009 event.
Before the event in the Puteri Indonesia, Zizi recorded on the University of Indonesia Department of Economic Sciences was also successfully won the election event held by the Elite Model Look in 2006.
( d u want to know more about Zivanna?? open this and find Indonesian there :] and if u want to know the contestant klik here :D )
Before the event in the Puteri Indonesia, Zizi recorded on the University of Indonesia Department of Economic Sciences was also successfully won the election event held by the Elite Model Look in 2006.
( d u want to know more about Zivanna?? open this and find Indonesian there :] and if u want to know the contestant klik here :D )
my kind of boy :D ♥
50 QuestionsShare
If you're a guy - post this as my kind of girl.
If you're a girl - post it as my kind of boy.
If you're a homo, well, you know what to do ! lol
1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
depend ^^..
2. Smart?
3. Preferred age?
more than me :)
4. Preferred height?
more than me... i'm 160 ;p
5. How about sense of humor?
sounds good :)
6. How about piercings?
7. Accepts you for who you are?
yep :)
8. Pink hair?
Ahahahaha~~ i never find the people with pink hair~~ ahhahahah funny... :D
9. Mushy or no?
10. Thin or fat?
11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
I doesn't matter it :)
12. Long hair or short hair?
provided that the length may not exceed the shoulder.
13. Plastic or metal ?
what d u means??
14. Smells good ?
of course :)
15. Smoker ?
16. Drinker ?
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type ?
18. Muscular ?
19. Plays piano?
nice :)
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar ?
21. Plays violin ?
22. Sings very good ?
yep :)
23. Vain?
24. With glasses ?
Iy'll be more cute :D
25. With bracse?
datz ok ^^ depend
26. Shy type?
hmmmm,,,, thatz ok
27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
Hmmm.... depend :D
28. Active or passive?
29. Tight or bomb ?
30. Singer or dancer ?
31. stunner ?
Of course :)
32. Hiphop?
33. Earrings ?
0_0 i think not
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop
35. Dimples?
cute one :D
36. Bookworm?
Gooodd~~~ ^^d
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
38. Playful?
39. Flirt?
40. Poem writer?
weeeww romantic
it's ok
42. Campus crush? rin is my classmate...
43. Painter?
44. Religious?
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
no!! it'll make another hurt
46. Computer games geek ? Or internet freak ?
internet freak...hahahahah....
47. Speaks 20 languages?
48. Loyal or faithful?
49. Good kisser?
(///_///) Kiss?
50. Loves children?
It a must ahahahaha because i loves childern too XD
If you're a guy - post this as my kind of girl.
If you're a girl - post it as my kind of boy.
If you're a homo, well, you know what to do ! lol
1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
depend ^^..
2. Smart?
3. Preferred age?
more than me :)
4. Preferred height?
more than me... i'm 160 ;p
5. How about sense of humor?
sounds good :)
6. How about piercings?
7. Accepts you for who you are?
yep :)
8. Pink hair?
Ahahahaha~~ i never find the people with pink hair~~ ahhahahah funny... :D
9. Mushy or no?
10. Thin or fat?
11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
I doesn't matter it :)
12. Long hair or short hair?
provided that the length may not exceed the shoulder.
13. Plastic or metal ?
what d u means??
14. Smells good ?
of course :)
15. Smoker ?
16. Drinker ?
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type ?
18. Muscular ?
19. Plays piano?
nice :)
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar ?
21. Plays violin ?
22. Sings very good ?
yep :)
23. Vain?
24. With glasses ?
Iy'll be more cute :D
25. With bracse?
datz ok ^^ depend
26. Shy type?
hmmmm,,,, thatz ok
27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
Hmmm.... depend :D
28. Active or passive?
29. Tight or bomb ?
30. Singer or dancer ?
31. stunner ?
Of course :)
32. Hiphop?
33. Earrings ?
0_0 i think not
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop
35. Dimples?
cute one :D
36. Bookworm?
Gooodd~~~ ^^d
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
38. Playful?
39. Flirt?
40. Poem writer?
weeeww romantic
it's ok
42. Campus crush? rin is my classmate...
43. Painter?
44. Religious?
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
no!! it'll make another hurt
46. Computer games geek ? Or internet freak ?
internet freak...hahahahah....
47. Speaks 20 languages?
48. Loyal or faithful?
49. Good kisser?
(///_///) Kiss?
50. Loves children?
It a must ahahahaha because i loves childern too XD
kore wa yanagi san desu... anou... watashi no aijin desu demo not my bf :p hhi
My name is Angelina Setiani, I come from Indonesia.
Actually I have another blog but I never opened it, coz I'm so busy and don't want to fill it again.
But I hope now, I'll fill it :)
but, maybe i'll not use English always but I'll mix it with Indonesian and Japanese... :)
Enjoy it :)
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