yeah.. i know it's soooo shocking me! but gimana ya? i feel hopeless...
gimana nggak... August just 1 month from now.. dan ga bakal mungkin ada yg mau accept gw dan ketiga temen gw,,, (dan gw harap itu tidak benar!)
well yeah... it's because MR.ROHMANI!!!!

He late gimme a permission letter for GADIS. yeah itu dikarenakan he lied to me.. dia bilang dia sudah bikin tuh surat but what result i have?! ternyata tuh surat ngilang!! tapi dia ga kasih tau!!!
huh untung aja dia TU! if not i'll kill him fast!

habis itu, aku balik ke hoz lagi.. oh ia... pas perjalanan (entah pas berangkat atau pulang) I read some books.. :D
it was "Marmut Merah Jambu" by Raditya Dika and "Maximum Ride" by James Anderson [comic by NaRae Lee]
Marmut Merah Jambu by Raditya Dika
Maximum Ride by James Patterson [well i read 2nd series :P not this one)
oooh my.. I LOVE THOSE BOOK!! :D
(actually i have many books that i must read hahahh *curious bout da story* i'll give u review for it later :D )
benar: menghibur aku :)
but... the love story of Raditya Dika makes me jealous

yeah i just a rapunzel.. all day in castle and hope someday prince will come and safe her... ahhh i love that story (coz really same like me). Orang bilang itu namanya pingitan, but i sure that ortu ku itu sayang sama aku. But, I teenanger already.. i wanna feel free

aku ga sabar menunggu masa" menjadi anak kos (karena tujuan kuliahku jauh"). It'll be fun!! :D (beside that i can't cook lol :D)..
oh man cummon.... cepatlah untuk masa itu :D i can't wait for it lol..
oh yeah... umm.. actually i have a boyfriend... his name is Andy Akbar :
hmmm i missed him very much
.... he rarely accept my phone (and he always got a reason). argh i hate it. and when i texted him, he didn't answer it... but, his status on facebook always makes me worried... is he know that i feels like that???
.... our relationship about 6 months :D

yeah.. datz ryt.. we just communicate on Facebook and text ( he dun like being called -weird-). but... i hope it's immortal.. 

well yeah... i thinks that enough for today..
Oh yea... this is my new photoshop work :D hope u like it xD
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