Selasa, 29 Juni 2010


arrgghhh sick! i just looking for job training at GADIS magz this morning.. last months they said that they have it, but when this morning i went, they said that it was full..... OMG! I didn't get job training for August! *shocked!*
yeah.. i know it's soooo shocking me! but gimana ya? i feel hopeless...

gimana nggak... August just 1 month from now..  dan ga bakal mungkin ada yg mau accept gw dan ketiga temen gw,,, (dan gw harap itu tidak benar!)

well yeah... it's because MR.ROHMANI!!!!

He late gimme a permission letter for GADIS. yeah itu dikarenakan he lied to me.. dia bilang dia sudah bikin tuh surat but what result i have?! ternyata tuh surat ngilang!! tapi dia ga kasih tau!!!

huh untung aja dia TU! if not i'll kill him fast! huh... well yeah... after that i wanna looking for job training at Depkominfo Central of Jakarta. so.... i got it.. but... i doubt bout it .... pekerjaan yang mereka kasih itu ga ngepas sama jurusan aku and i just typing all day at Library *WTF!

habis itu, aku balik ke hoz lagi.. oh ia... pas perjalanan (entah pas berangkat atau pulang) I read some books.. :D

it was "Marmut Merah Jambu" by Raditya Dika and "Maximum Ride" by James Anderson [comic by NaRae Lee]

Marmut Merah Jambu by Raditya Dika

Maximum Ride by James Patterson [well i read 2nd series :P not this one)

oooh my.. I LOVE THOSE BOOK!! :D (actually i have many books that i must read hahahh  *curious bout da story* i'll give u review for it later :D )
benar: menghibur aku :)

but... the love story of Raditya Dika makes me jealous his story is soooo colorfull... how about me?

yeah i just a rapunzel.. all day in castle and hope someday prince will come and safe her... ahhh i love that story (coz really same like me). Orang bilang itu namanya pingitan, but i sure that ortu ku itu sayang sama aku. But, I teenanger already.. i wanna feel free well datz ok... ortuku janjiin klo aku boleh bebas nanti saat aku udah kulia semester 2 and now... i just @ 12 grades xD and it will be closer xD

aku ga sabar menunggu masa" menjadi anak kos (karena tujuan kuliahku jauh"). It'll be fun!! :D (beside that i can't cook lol :D)..

oh man cummon.... cepatlah untuk masa itu :D i can't wait for it lol..

oh yeah... umm.. actually i have a boyfriend... his name is Andy Akbar :

hmmm i missed him very much he rarely accept my phone (and he always got a reason). argh i hate it. and when i texted him, he didn't answer it... but, his status on facebook always makes me worried... is he know that i feels like that??? our relationship about 6 months :D


we never meet each other

yeah.. datz ryt.. we just communicate on Facebook and text ( he dun like being called -weird-). but... i hope it's immortal..


well yeah... i thinks that enough for today..

and i have plan to draw maximum ride and fang later lol

well.. wait for my fanart naaah hahahah and i was update my deviantart


Oh yea... this is my new photoshop work :D hope u like it xD

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